Track your finances in Notion automatically

Stop manually entering transactions. Connect your financial accounts and let Latwy do the rest.

Spending by category

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Give Notion personal finance superpowers

1Log in with Notion
Authorize Latwy's Notion integration and duplicate our personal finance template.
2Connect your financial accounts
Latwy uses Plaid to securely aggregate your financial transactions.
3The magic happens
Up to two years of historical transactions are pushed to Notion automatically, and new transactions are pushed every day.
4Make it your own
Customize the template however you want. Latwy will continue to work in the background.

Integrate with everything

Extend with Notion Automations

Trigger Zapier, Make, or any other automation platform when a new transaction is pushed to Notion. *Requires a paid Notion plan.

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Webhook iconWebhooks

A no-brainer

Try Latwy For Free

After a 30-day free trial, Latwy is just $79/year. Your card won't be charged until the end of your free trial.

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